Because Jesus Choosing Male Disciples Doesn’t Mean What We Think….
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Because Jesus Choosing Male Disciples Doesn’t Mean What We Think….

In fifteenth-century England, a (probably Franciscan) friar lived on the east coast near the cathedral city of Ely. Like many other medieval sermon authors, he included in his Lenten series a narrative from Matthew 15: the story of the Woman of Canaan. I have talked about this story before, and I am sure many of…

A Response to “#Woke Evangelical Timeline”
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A Response to “#Woke Evangelical Timeline”

Today we are so pleased to welcome Otis Pickett, an Assistant Professor of History at Mississippi College, to the Anxious Bench. Otis is also co-founder of the Prison to College Pipeline program. I recently came across a piece on Patheos by D.G. Hart entitled “#Woke Evangelical Timeline.” While I have tremendous respect for Hart as…

A New Hope For Evangelical Women
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A New Hope For Evangelical Women

I opened the door to my car when my phone buzzed. I glanced quickly at the twitter thread on my screen before setting it down on the passenger seat. I put the keys in the ignition and shifted to reverse. But then my brain clicked. I turned the car off and picked my phone back…

Resurrection Hope For Notre Dame
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Resurrection Hope For Notre Dame

“a fire burnt the whole parish of St. Alkmund’s starting at daybreak on the eve of Pentecost….anno. 1312.” I was in a meeting with my fellow graduate deans when I first saw the pictures. My colleague just handed me his phone. He said something, but I don’t remember his words as the image drowned out…

Who Defines Preaching Anyway? Beth Moore and Catherine of Siena
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Who Defines Preaching Anyway? Beth Moore and Catherine of Siena

I usually never read comments on my blogs, much less respond to them. But one recently caught my eye. It was posted on a twitter thread following a tweet by Katelyn Beaty about my last AB article posted by Scot McKnight on Jesus Creed (sorry, the social media world can be a confusing place…). This…