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The Divorce of a Pastor’s Wife in 1860 Texas

From the Anxious Bench Archives I went to a perfect wedding last weekend. It was deep in the rural heart of Central Texas. Wide open fields dotted with cattle and the occasional John Deer tractor were broken by scattered farm houses. The roads were narrow and dusty; population signs for the small towns counted inhabitants…

The Divorce of a Pastor’s Wife in 1860 Texas
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The Divorce of a Pastor’s Wife in 1860 Texas

This is from my Anxious Bench archives. I am working hard on book chapters, but never fear I will be back soon. I wanted to post this again for two reasons. First – it is one of my favorite local history posts (that probably many of my readers haven’t seen, since it is from 2016),…

South to North: More Things Southern Baptists Can Learn From Canadian Baptists
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South to North: More Things Southern Baptists Can Learn From Canadian Baptists

I am so pleased to welcome Dr. Melody Maxwell to the Anxious Bench today. Melody’s post today will add to our growing conversation on the Anxious Bench about how evangelicalism, at least in some ways, has evolved differently in Canada–first Chris Gehrz’s post on Hockey and the Future of Evangelicalism and second my recent post…

What Southern Baptists Can Learn From Canadian Baptists……
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What Southern Baptists Can Learn From Canadian Baptists……

Just last week I found myself at the corner of Burrard Street and Nelson Street in Vancouver, British Columbia. I was making my wayfrom the airport to my hotel, via the Vancouver metro system. I know most folk just grab a cab, especially when luggage is in tow. But using public transportation orients me to…

Here We Go Again: Willow Creek and Pastoral Accountability
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Here We Go Again: Willow Creek and Pastoral Accountability

I was sitting on a picnic bench outside of the Navajo Nation capital when I read Scot McKnight’s tweet about Willow Creek. His comment that, “mismanagement, powermongering, threatening, and offering money for silence” should be themes “central to church leadership discussions” in seminaries really caught my attention. If you have followed my blogs for a…

Is There Hope for Evangelical Women?
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Is There Hope for Evangelical Women?

My daughter and I were walking our new puppy when my phone buzzed. It was a twitter notification from my fellow blogger Chris Gehrz. He had tweeted about Beth Moore’s open letter. I stopped dead and started reading.This was a mistake. We had only had our new puppy a few days and hadn’t yet convinced…