Pride and Preaching: A Medieval Perspective on John MacArthur
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Pride and Preaching: A Medieval Perspective on John MacArthur

I almost didn’t write this post. After all, what more could I say? Sarah Bessey already voiced my outrage. The scoffing laughter of John MacArthur’s audience echoed in my head as I read her words. “It’s a sin to quench the work of the Holy Spirit in and through the lives of women. Repent, the…

How Evangelicals Forgot Women’s History
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How Evangelicals Forgot Women’s History

A country church burned to the ground last week. Flames billowed over its wooden spires in a scene reminiscent of Notre Dame. But while stone defended the Parisian cathedral, the timber walls of the Church of the Visitation in Westphalia, Texas, didn’t stand a chance. Winds blustered that morning, fanning the fire and ensuring total…

South to North: More Things Southern Baptists Can Learn From Canadian Baptists
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South to North: More Things Southern Baptists Can Learn From Canadian Baptists

I am so pleased to welcome Dr. Melody Maxwell to the Anxious Bench today. Melody’s post today will add to our growing conversation on the Anxious Bench about how evangelicalism, at least in some ways, has evolved differently in Canada–first Chris Gehrz’s post on Hockey and the Future of Evangelicalism and second my recent post…

What Southern Baptists Can Learn From Canadian Baptists……
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What Southern Baptists Can Learn From Canadian Baptists……

Just last week I found myself at the corner of Burrard Street and Nelson Street in Vancouver, British Columbia. I was making my wayfrom the airport to my hotel, via the Vancouver metro system. I know most folk just grab a cab, especially when luggage is in tow. But using public transportation orients me to…

Welcome To Our New Blogger, Dr. Andrea Turpin!
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Welcome To Our New Blogger, Dr. Andrea Turpin!

I am so pleased to introduce you to my Baylor colleague, Dr. Andrea Turpin. Andrea has been my women’s history counterpart at Baylor since 2011. She teaches the American Women’s history courses while I have been teaching the European Women’s history courses. Andrea is also one of the most thoughtful and brilliant Christian scholars I…

Because Jesus Choosing Male Disciples Doesn’t Mean What We Think….
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Because Jesus Choosing Male Disciples Doesn’t Mean What We Think….

In fifteenth-century England, a (probably Franciscan) friar lived on the east coast near the cathedral city of Ely. Like many other medieval sermon authors, he included in his Lenten series a narrative from Matthew 15: the story of the Woman of Canaan. I have talked about this story before, and I am sure many of…